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Hashing Demultiplexing

Input files

In order to use the hashing demultiplexing section, you will need the following files:

File Format Type
HTO matrix 10x folder filtered matrix
HTO matrix h5 raw matrix
HTO matrix 10x folder raw matrix
RNA matrix 10x folder filtered matrix

Execution example

<nextflow run --normalisation_method "CLR" --quantile_hto 0.8 --quantile_multi 0.8 --maxiter 10 --qrangeFrom 0.2 --qrangeTo 0.7 --ridgePlot TRUE --vlnplot TRUE --vlnFeatures "nCount_RNA" --featureScatter TRUE --scatterFeat1 "Hash453-TotalSeqA" --scatterFeat2 "Hash451-TotalSeqA" --constAmbient TRUE --confidenMin 1 --doubletMin 1 --confidentNmads 0.6 --min_signal 11.0 --tsne TRUE --tsneDimMax 6 --doublet_detection FALSE --cleaning_raw FALSE >

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