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HTODemux is a tool for Hashing Demultiplexing created by Seurat. More information can be found at:

HTODemux by Seurat: HTODemux .

Parameters - Pre processing

Parameter Description Example
umi_count path to filtered rna matrix –umi_count /”path/rna_filtered/”
hto_matrix path to filtered hto matrix –umi “/path/hto_filtered/”
selection_method How to choose top variable features –selection_method “mean.var.plot”
ndelim delimiter from the cell’s column nam –ndelim “_”
number_features Number of features to be used when finding variable features –number_features 2000
assay Choose assay between RNA or HTO –assay “HTO”
margin Margin for normalisation –margin 2
norm_method Normalisation method –norm_method “CLR”

Parameters - Demultiplexing

Parameter Description Example
quantile quantile for classification –quantile_hto 0.99
kfunc clustering function –kfunc “clara”
nstarts nstarts value for k-means clustering –nstarts 100
nsamples Number of samples to be drawn from the dataset used for clustering for kfunc clara –nsamples 100
init Initial number of clusters for hashtags –init NULL