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Hashed Drops

Hashed Drops is a demultiplexing tool part of the library Droplet Utils. More information can be found at:

Hashed Drops by Droplet Utils: Hashed Drops .

Parameter Description Example
hashtag_data path to filtered HTO matrix –hashtag_data “path/hto_filtered/”
rawData TRUE if the HTO matrix is raw data to execute hashed drops first –rawData FALSE
ambient Only available when the dataset specifies the relative abundance of each HTO in the ambient solution (results from empty drops), otherwise keep in NULL –ambient “NULL”
minProp Numeric scalar to be used to infer the ambient profile when ambient=NULL –minProp 0.05
pseudoCount minimum pseudo-count when computing log-fold changes. –pseudoCount 5
constAmbient Indicates whether a constant level of ambient contamination should be used to estimate LogFC2 for all cell –constAmbient FALSE
doubletMin Specifies the minimum threshold on the log-fold change to use to identify doublets –doubletMin 2
doubletNmads specifies the number of median absolute deviations (MADs) to use to identify doublets. –doubletNmads 3
confidenMin specifying the minimum threshold on the log-fold change to use to identify singlet –confidenMin 2
confidentNmads specifies the number of MADs to use to identify confidently assigned singlets –confidentNmads 3

The description of this parameters were provided by the library. They can also be found in the link above.